Tuesday, September 02, 2008

a Day at the zoo

Ok... so since I am the world's WORST blogger, I figured I will jam pack this page full of new and exciting events. Or, at least go back in time and post some things that I have been slacking on.

This weekend, I took the 3 kiddies to the zoo. Tom was on-call, so it was just me and 2 fighting school aged kids and one perfect little angle boy. OK, so, he's not perfect, but he doesn't fight with his siblings yet, either. Well, I suppose that's not being truthful, either. huh? I have seen him pull Hannah's hair out when she's sleeping...

We did go to the zoo and we have a good time. It was just a way to get out some energy for all of us. I was amazed at how flooded the zoo still was from Tropical Storm Fay - but then again, we alone got nearly 20 inches of rain and I have seen the flooding closer to home.

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